Saturday, October 20, 2012

Exploring Guangzhou and Medical Exam!

Today we had Monroe's medical exam and spent a couple of hours there meeting other families and listening to their amazing adoption stories. I told Dan how humbling it was to hear about how so many of these families are adopting children with severe medical needs and older children that have lived in foster homes for 10 years! We met a family that was adopting two little boys-one with albinism and delayed development and another with a very serious facial deformity. I just teared up as I saw them walk away as a family and the two little boys had their arms wrapped around there new mom and dad. There was also a family there adopting 2 older children. One of them came up to Dan and asked him to take his picture. You could see the excitement in his eyes that he loved his new family.  His mom said he lived in 3 different foster homes throughout his 12 years of life. I wish you could have seen his face when he looked at his mom-holding her hand while waiting for their appointment. Precious. Amazing stories and some amazing families that totally brought tears to both Dan and I as we walked away.  The best part is that they are nearly all Christian families.  It's awesome to see the church working like this.

Monroe's exam went really well. She weighs about 6.6 kilograms which is equivalent to about 14 pounds(with her clothes on). This is the same weight that she supposedly was three months ago! We are not sure how this is possible with the way she eats. One thing we know for sure-She is small but mighty!!

She did break out in a rash and all the doctors were looking at her trying to figure out what the bumps were. They were all talking so fast in Chinese and talking to our guide. Our guide said they didn't know what it was from, but was wondering if I fed her anything different. I was afraid to tell them she ate a large french fry from McDonalds, tons of puffs, a muffin, and Dan even gave her some chocolate!! I guess we better stick to rice congee and noodles for her!

We are loving Guangzhou, but miss home greatly.  Can't wait to get back. We love you Quinn, Ridge, and Hayes!! We can't wait to give you a huge kiss when we see you at the airport. It's almost here!!

Love you all!
Getting checked out
Danny sees something at the market he likes
Chinese Mountain Dew!!!!!!!!!
Trying to stand
Drama Queen
She is so flexible
Dinner with our group
Loves to eat!
She smiles all the time-goofy girl
She is the life of the party!
Love her


  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Karen! What an awesome birthday for you! I am glad you are enjoying Gunagzhou. We are rejoincing with you and Dan at how well Monroe is adjusting! What a blessing. We are cointinuing to pray for things to go smoothly and for your time away from your other kids. That is the hardest part. Can't wait for you to get home and see Monroe in person. Blessings, Teresa and crew

  2. Happy Birthday my sweet friend. I am so happy for you. What a fabulous treat on your birthday- Starbucks!!!!! Love you guys and can't wait to see you soon. Monroe is absolutely ADORABLE- we can't get over it here in the Waterson home.

  3. I totaly love Monro. Brock thinks that Monroe shoudent have surgery beacaus she is so adooooooorible just the way she is. But we told him she would have trouble talking if she doesnt have surgery. She is such a blessing! Happy belated birthday Mrs willard. Have a safe trip home. From Blake
