Friday, October 19, 2012

Arriving In Guangzhou!!!

Today is my birthday and I couldn't have asked for a more exciting birthday-Our plane landed in tropical 88 degree beautiful weather at a beautiful hotel (with a STARBUCKS!) with a new baby in my arms! This birthday is going to be tough to beat! We had to take an hour bus ride to the airport, a flight with a layover to another flight and then another long bus ride to our hotel! Dan and I realized when we got on the flight we had lost her special bottle and so we had to travel all day with her having no bottle. So instead she ate a whole thing of large fries, yogurt puffs, and wheat puffs and drank water our of the cap of a water bottle (she was very tolerant of our mistake)-Our group just laughs at us and how adaptable she is! It was so nice when we got to the hotel and the rest of the travel groups were here to meet us!! We have a wonderful group and everyone has the neatest stories about their adoptions- We even have a pastor and his wife in our group who brought their 2 children (Taylor 21 and Torri 19) They are adopting a little boy with a deformed leg that may have to be amputated and a cleft hand.  I love meeting people like this family who answered the call of God on their life to rescue this sweet boy even when it didn't fit into their schedule of life.  Brings me to tears whenever I see him with his new family!! Hope all is well back home! We love Guangzhou but miss our kids and home so much!!! Better go now-going to get Monroe in her swimsuit and take a dip in the pool now!!! Love everyone!!!!!

Our Gansu travel group with our two guides as we depart for Guangzhou!

No more photo shoots Mom . . . I'm tired!

Monroe and Melody (one of our travel guides)

Coming home soon!

1 comment:

  1. Just got home from the Bloomington Blaze Hockey Game. We were so glad your boys could join us for the evening (I'll email a few pictures). I know they miss you, but they are doing well. I thought it was sweet how Ridge wanted to share with us the great news about how healthy and strong Monroe is, and I could see what a comfort Quinn is to Hayes. You're such a precious family. I'm glad your special day was blessed; you're certainly deserving. I found a note on my desk this morning, written by Blake: "May I Make a compliment about Monroe! Answer Yes or No" He is so badly wanting to type his own comment (compliment) :) on your blog. I'll have to let him soon; it's just that I'm usually checking this late at night after the kids have gone to bed. Speaking of: I'm finding the times associated with my comments are incorrect. Usually at least a few hours different than when I've actually published them - for what it's worth. Just can't get enough of the pictures of Monroe, and always enjoy hearing about how you're doing and where you've been. I know Wednesday won't get hear soon enough. Can't wait to see you all.
