Monday, October 22, 2012

Precious Photos!
These two spent the first year of their life together at the orphanage. The nanny told us that they were very close at the orphanage and always played together. They are so much alike and seem to really love one another. Their names are even crazier-Qing Yi Ying and Qing Yi Yang. It is so beautiful to see them together and the connection that they share even at such a young age. Who knows how many nights they went through together where all they had were each other. I don't like to think about that. The bond they share is priceless. I can't wait to see all the things these two will do together as they grow up together! God has blessed Monroe with a very special lifelong friend-Lily!!!
Best Friends for Life
Ying Ying and Yang Yang

Oh my! They are too funny

Love these shirts
Love her face
She is so much fun!
Dinner at Lucy's
So sweet
How does she do this?
Family Photo on Island

Today we had our appointment with the Consulate and then went shopping on Shamian Island. Thank you to all the families back home who gave us good tips on places to go on the Island! We really loved it.  It was a beautiful place and we had so much fun. Dan and I have gotten really close to our travel group these past two weeks. We absolutely love these families and their children and plan on getting together again sometime this year. We all live within a day's drive of each other. Gotta Go!!! Packing our bags for Hong Kong-We leave tonight!!! Can't wait to see everyone!


  1. Monroe's smile makes us smile: how special seeing her interact with her little friend Lily. Seriously Karen, how do you look so good after all the travel and becoming a new mother all over again? You and Dan even color coordinate and you're still stylin' cute accessories! I'm impressed! Love the family photo and keep praising the Lord for the joy in Monroe's heart!

  2. Karen! Thank you for leaving comments on my blog! Your Monroe is beautiful!!! Melody also shared with me that there were two adoption families here last week adopting two of Nora’s friends, so sweet. Would love to meet you and get our girls together! I spent some time on your blog, seems we have a lot in common!!! Okay, I have to ask, where did you find those adorable little personalized shirts for the girls? Shamian Island? So sweet! I think Nora needs one! Praying for you as your time in China draws to an end and you reunite with your family back home! Heather
