Thursday, October 18, 2012

Last Day in Lanzhou!
Today our guide took us to the local museum and the famous Yellow River. When we got to the river I saw this brown square thing that looked like 6 barrels held together with a piece of string! I asked what it was and our guide said to me "Crazy people go down the river on this." Next thing I know my husband is asking how much it cost to go down the river on one of these. The man said it was only 50 yuan which equals about 10 dollars in American money! Our guide said we could go but that only one other crazy person had done it in 15 years!! Guess what? My husband turned to him and said "Ok let's do it!!" I said, "No, that 's why its only 10 dollars because no one is crazy enough to do it!!!!"(the Yellow River is more like a river you would go white water rafting on) I told Dan the only way I am getting on the raft is for a photo!!

The museum we went to was kinda freaky! It was like walking through 25 rooms of fat Buddhas and freaky looking masks. How many Buddhas do they need? I just prayed the whole way walking through the rooms and tried to not make eye contact with any of the Buddhas. Our guide said if you look at them in the eyes, there eyes will open and look at you! I just started to laugh, but I think he was serious because he didn't laugh with me !! Let's just say I was happy when the tour was over!

Dan and I are complete opposites when it comes to being adventurous with food. I have really not eaten much since we got here, especially after our weird cheeseburger incident! I have had a coke for every meal including breakfast, kit-kats, whoppers, and rice! Dan has tried everything our guides put in front of him; lotus roots, weird looking meats, soups that looked like worms, and shrimp with the eyeballs still on it! Crazy!!!!!

What can I say about Monroe? She has completely blown Dan and I away in every way! She is so healthy, strong, outgoing, and fun!  She has so much personality and is very strong-willed and has a bit of an attitude! I should have known after she hit Dan with a toy on the head the very first night we had her!! She is definitely the crazy baby of our group and makes everyone laugh. She loves to stick her tongue out through her cleft lip and make funny faces. Our guide told me that the nanny said she was very outgoing at the orphanage and always made funny eye movements! She even knocked a display rack over at a souvenir shop with her feet today! I can't wait to see her and Hayes together!!!!

Sheep Skin Raft 
Our travel group 
Dan eating something with eyes
One of our guides Melody-she loves Monroe
Love her smile!
Sweet girl
We leave tomorrow morning for Guanzhou!!!! Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement on the blog and all the prayers! Thank you to all of our family for taking care of our kids while we are gone. We miss you Quinn, Ridge, and Hayes and daddy and I can't wait to see you!!! Monroe can't wait to meet her brothers and sister! One more week and we will be home!! Miss everyone and love to all!


  1. I can't get enough of the sweet pictures of Monroe! She is SO adorable! LOVE her smile. I am so glad to hear how well she it doing! Sounds like she is a perfect fit for your family!

    When you get to Ghangzhou and find the STarbucks by the Victory, they have some American sandwiches that Corinne and I enjoyed eating for lunch. Just stay away from any lettuce or fresh vegetables on them. We weren't very adventurous in the food department either. The Papa Johns delivered to the Victory and that was pretty good too. Not sure if you are staying on the Island or off. But just some food tips :)

    Can't wait for you all to get home! Blessings, Sherry and crew

  2. I have to make this quick, as we're getting ready to have lunch. I'm thinking that you are 13 hours ahead of us, and if that's the case, it occurred to me that it is officially your birthday, Karen! Happy Birthday to you! Okay, so how are you going to top this year and last years' birthday next year? Last year you were at a World Series Cards game and this year you are in China, receiving such a special gift in Monroe. You sure know how to celebrate! :) In all seriousness, I'm celebrating the gift of you today! You are such a dear friend, and as I always tell you - I LOVE your heart! I'm so glad God caused our paths to cross again. Have a blessed birthday! More later!

  3. Love the comments and pics. Keep them coming! Glad you are moving on to new location! Maybe you will find a moutain dew there! Go Cards! Looking forward to our turn with Q,R and H! Next Wednesday will be here soon! Love you!

  4. Happy Birthday Karen! We love you! the Kreifels!

  5. I wanted to post yesterday and tell you how much we are loving your posts! Monroe is a doll and we are praising God for all He is doing in your lives! We can't wait to hear more stories about all you are experiencing with sweet Monroe and your time in China. Our family is covering your family in prayer....God is so faithful!
    Karen I went to bed late last night, and it was officially your Birthday, so I have been thinking about you and your special day ever since midnight. :) Happy Birthday dear friend, this is one you will never forget! Hope you are able to enjoy a coke and some yummy food!

  6. Love all the pictures and comment! Cant wait to finally meet her! She is so beautiful! She is already bringing the Cardinals some luck!

  7. Karen . . . this is your birthday, and I'm so proud of my sister. You're doing a great job with Monroe. She is beautiful and such a fit for your family. God is so faithful and we can't wait to meet her face to face. Truly a gift from Heaven. It was great to to have Quinn, Ridge and Hayed for the past few days. The boys already miss having them! P.S. Seeing Monroe and all your adventures has gotten our whole family excited for our next adoption journey to China . . . wish we were leaving tomorrow!

