Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Exploring Lanzhou!!

Today our guide took us to the city's most prestigious garden, the square, and the zoo. On the way  there we went through the parts of China that were unlike what we had seen so far.  Everything with Monroe is still going really well.  We are having so much fun with her.  We leave for Quanzhou on Friday.  We like Lanzhou, but we can't wait to eat some good western food!!!  Still no Mountain Dew for Dan!!

We can tell there are many people praying for us . . . . .thanks!!  It feels so good to know we are covered in prayer during this journey.

Thanks again!

We love you!

Entrance to a beautiful park in Lanzhou
Lanzhou Square and Park
Groups of locals flocking to us all the time

Elderly locals giving Monroe lots of attention
Locals asking Dan questions 
Can you believe Karen rode a camel?
Striking a pose!
Outside of the park are some of the poorest parts of the city

Already a Cardinal fan!
Learning to clap
Fun with mom
Monroe loves hats


  1. You should hear Brooklyn, Blake & Brock aaaahing and ooooing over the photos of Monroe. They are excited to meet her too. We love the picture of her laughing, and her smile while wearing the Cardinals hat! She is already stylin' like her Mom; she's the sweetest thing!! Thanks for keeping the posts coming. We look forward to them each day. So happy for you!!! Okay, the kids are begging to leave their own comments, so here they are:

    BROOKLYN: 'She's definitely God's little jewel and treasure- the cutest ever!'
    BLAKE: 'She is SOOOOOOOOOO precious and cute!'
    BROCK: 'I need some time to think about this.'

  2. Brock's had enough time to think now, and he wants to tell you that he thinks God put sparkles on Monroe. :)

  3. Dan & Karen,
    I am so glad to see how well Monroe is doing with you! What an answer to prayer. It never ceases to amaze me, how these little ones can leave everything they have known and settle into the love of a mama and daddy! It just shows how amazing our Father in Heaven is and how he meant a family to be! I will continue to pray for bonding and I know you will love Lucy's restaurant in Guangzhou! Good ole' American food. Hannah and Olivia love looking at your blog and can't wait to meet the newest "China chick"!
